Archival & Contemporary Spoken Word, Music, & Film of a Spiritual Nature

DVDs, CDs, Books, and Downloads either generated by or specifically of interest to 
those associated with the Ramakrishna-Vedanta Movement

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New Book
A Light to the West

The life & spiritual teachings of 
Swami Prabhavananda

Specialized Focused Catalogs: 
Works by Swami Prabhavananda
Works by Christopher Isherwood

archival Vedanta films freely shared including Too Personal a Tale, films that are more private, accessed only via this link or by invitation.

archival Vedanta films freely shared including
Too Personal a Tale, films that are more private, accessed only via this link or by invitation.

Vedanta: A Blueprint for Everyday Life

In an unprecedented event, six nuns from three Vedanta Society convents joined to discuss "Vedanta: A Blueprint for Everyday Life." The retreat built around this discussion was a resounding success, and now this DVD makes it possible for you to become part of the larger audience. 
The panel was built around four discussion points: dealing with negativity, rethinking our identity, spiritual practice and not falling prey to self-deception. All six nuns addressed these issues from various angles with intelligence, wisdom and humor. Each nun also discussed what made them take up spiritual life, and each nun also took questions from the audience at the end of the retreat. The DVD begins with a guided meditation. Running time: 4 hours 39 minutes.



DVD: Swami Shraddhananda  
An intimate portrait of a senior swami, filmed between 1990 and 1996.  Recommended for devotees only. 

BOOK: Interpreting Ramakrishna: Kali’s Child Revisited offers both a spirited critique of Kali’s Child as well as an in-depth examination of Ramakrishna scholarship over the course of the past century, identifying how  Ramakrishna has been viewed according to the changing tenor of the times. Read more Book signed by co-author Pravrajika Vrajaprana (See Also Free Download Kali's Child Revisited below.)

BOOK: Remembering Sri Sarada Devi's Disciple: Swami Aseshananda As We Knew Him Reminiscences Compiled by Esther Warkov

FREE DOWNLOAD/AUDIO STREAM: Shankara's Crest Jewel of Discrimination, a series of classes given by Swami Prabhavananda, recorded live.

FREE DOWNLOAD/AUDIO STREAM: Mundaka Upanishad a series of classes given by Swami Prabhavananda, recorded live.

FREE VIDEO STREAMS: See Videos of monastics and laypersons features freely shared articles and reviews including J.D. Salinger & Vedanta and Christopher Isherwood & Vedanta, articles from American Vedantist

From The Wall Street Journal, March 30, 2012 

What Did J.D. Salinger, Leo Tolstoy, Nikola Tesla and Sarah Bernhardt Have in Common? The surprising—and continuing—influence of Swami Vivekananda, the pied piper of the global yoga movement



Also from the New York Times, October 02, 2011
Opinion:  How Yoga Won the West

More than a century ago, an Indian monk wowed Americans with his ideas.

"The Indian monk, born Narendranath Datta to an aristocratic Calcutta family, alighted in Chicago in 1893 in ochre robes and turban, with little money after a daunting two-month trek from Bombay. Notwithstanding the fact that he had spent the previous night sleeping in a boxcar, the young mystic made an electrifying appearance at the opening of the august Parliament of Religions that Sept. 11."


Swami Prabhavananda, 2 Lectures:  
Blessed Are the Pure in Heart
& Be Still and Know That I Am God DVD*

Swami Prabhavananda Eight Limbs of Yoga DVD* 
Two full lectures based on the Yoga Aphorisms of Patanjali, How to Know God

DVD: Swami Shraddhananda  
An intimate portrait of a senior swami, filmed between 1990 and 1996.  Recommended for devotees only. 

Swami Vivekananda Read by Christopher Isherwood DVD or CD*
Two lectures on the Bhagavad Gita by Swami Vivekananda

Swami Prabhavananda, What Is Religion? CD*

Aldous Huxley, Knowledge & Understanding CD* 
Lecture plus Question/Answer session

Aldous Huxley, Who Are We? CD*
Lecture plus Question/Answer session





Christopher Isherwood Reads Selections from the Gita CD* The Prabhavananda/Isherwood translation

Christopher Isherwood Reads Selections from the Upanishads

Christopher Isherwood Reads Vivekananda
Two lectures on the Bhagavad Gita by Swami Vivekananda

The Writer & Vedanta:
 A Lecture by Christopher Isherwood

Christopher Isherwood gave this lecture, The Writer & Vedanta, at the Santa Barbara Vedanta Temple on November 11, 1960. As both a successful writer and a longtime earnest spiritual aspirant, Isherwood brings a wealth of experience to bear in this original and personal approach to the topic. 

Girish Ghosh, by Christopher Isherwood
An original lecture by Christopher Isherwood



One Only One CD* 
The 1971 Vedanta Society Men's Choir 

NEW: VINYL Edition*

The Original 1976 VINYL Recordings of Christopher Isherwood Reads selections from the Upanishads, as translated by Swami Prabhavananda and Frederick Manchester

A 2-Disc Set

Includes the Mundaka and Kena Upanishads, which are not included in the CD version.

*In conjunction with Vedanta Press


BOOK: Interpreting Ramakrishna: Kali’s Child Revisited offers  both a spirited critique of Kali’s Child as well as an  in-depth examination of Ramakrishna scholarship over the course of the past century, identifying how  Ramakrishna has  been viewed according to the changing tenor of  the times. Read more Book signed by co-author Pravrajika Vrajaprana (See Also Free Download Kali's Child Revisited below.)

BOOK: Remembering Sri Sarada Devi's Disciple: Swami Aseshananda As We Knew Him 
Reminiscences Compiled by Esther Warkov

A collection of stories of first-hand experiences with Swami Aseshananda, a senior monk of the Ramakrishna Order and a disciple of Sri Sarada Devi (Holy Mother). For those who knew him, this these reminiscences bring him back vivid memories. For those who have never met him, this book brings the character of a realized Holy man to life.

BOOKS: We also offer Christopher Isherwood's Ramakrishna and His Disciples and My Guru and His Disciple 

Also Available in books: The Bhagavad GitaThe Upanishads

About Swami Prabhavananda
About Christopher Isherwood

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Above Titles Are Live Links.
Alternative Quick Links to Titles: Eight Limbs of Yoga DVD, The Roots of Fundamentalism DVD, Swami Vivekananda Read by Christopher Isherwood DVD, Swami Shraddhananda DVD, Aldous Huxley Knowledge & Understanding CD, Aldous Huxley, Who Are We?, Isherwood Reads the Gita CD, Isherwood Reads Upanishads CD, Isherwood Reads Vivekananda CD, Girish Ghosh by Isherwood CD, What Is Religion? CD, Music of Tibet CD, Talofa: Music of Samoa CD, One Only One CD